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August 2007 Email
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-teleconference meditation on this topic Aug 28, 2007. It will be available to download at www.normagentile.libsyn.com and iTunes afterwards.
from Mary &endash; Compassion is the doorway to healing. Once, long ago, your world knew this compassion as a life-giving and healing force. Again you come to know this as love. Let yourselves be so in love that it warms you, playing within you like a gentle song. Let love be your song, sung to yourself. Then, and only then, can others hear their true song as well. Sing to yourself. Let others hear when they are ready. Let love be enough.
from Norma- When anyone is at a crossroads, whether it is physical illness or a lifelong issue, the most important moment is the moment of wonderment. In wondering what is next, we open our minds, hearts and body to listen to spirit. In wondering, what does my soul desire (not my mind), we are listening to the deepest connection to spirit. If we are constantly telling our soul what to create, how can we truly be on the journey that our soul has devised? How can we hear spirit when we are constantly telling spirit what to do? This is why I ask questions. I don't assume that something should or should not happen. Despite how obvious the illness or situation, as a healer guided by spirit my role is to let spirit act upon the person, their body, and the situation. Using my 'uni-mind' or 'you-need' mind to direct what they ought to do would be interfering with their personal journey, and the journey of learning that their soul has decided upon. Now apply this to energy healing, or any other type of healing. Rather than assuming a chakra ought to spin in a certain direction, have a certain color, or even that a muscle ought to move as the anatomy book says it should move .try asking how this particular muscle, chakra, body and soul want to move. What is their next step? Let the body, the soul, and spirit have their say. Chances are the results will go beyond what the book says, and what you believe the chakra ought to look like. When we stop placing assumptions on what Spiritual healing should achieve, we open the door for miraculous healing to occur. Who am I to know
better than someone's soul what they need? For this reason
I always am asking questions. What does the soul desire?
How does the body want to feel? What is the next step for
the situation in the marriage or at work? I don't know the
answers, but their soul does. I invite you to join me in an experiential time of Compassionate Meditation for Our World Tuesday, August 28 at 8pm - 9pm Eastern Time (US, New York City Time) FREE TELECONFERENCE
CALL There will be a total lunar eclipse during the early morning starlight hours of Tuesday, August 28th, visible in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in the US and Canada. Those of us in the Great Lakes Region, Eastern US and Canada will witness the moon setting into a total eclipse. The partial solar eclipse two weeks later, on Tuesday, September 11, will be visible only in the Southern Hemisphere. As always, these two events frame a doorway of opportunity and possibility for change. The tuning of the doorway reflects the current time need of humanity, as well as other astrological cycles occurring nearby. This lunar eclipse opens the doorway especially strongly for the US and Canada to step into a cycle of recognition and honoring of the feminine principles of life in how we organize our daily affairs. From the products we purchase to the financial structures of our larger companies, this eclipse brings change, whether we want it or not. The Northern Hemisphere will have the opportunity to open our hearts in a way more common to our Southern Hemisphere neighbors. And the solar eclipse, acting primarily upon central and South America and the South Pole, gives greater permission for organizational elements of strength to flourish in plain sight in these cultures. Because of the nature of these eclipses, and how they occur in a larger astrological energy cycle, we will have the two-week doorway between them to target what we want to change and re-create, and then have about 9 more months of energy from these eclipses to help us build what is chosen into our physical world. Projects started or dreamed about during this window may drastically alter how the US and Canada relate to Mexico, Central and South American countries and in turn how Latin American views their northern neighbors. One possibility is for much greater compassion and understanding, seeing people, rather than politics. As we enter the doorway of this first of two eclipses, energies relating to death, release, and personal transitions into new ways of living are brought up to our awareness more keenly. Since June solstice there has been a magnification of our subconscious issues worldwide. This growing awareness of issues, uncomfortable issues, has brought a sensation into our awareness that repeatedly arises, and then seems to subside. I feel it as a tension pattern of change. I am confronted with some habit, some way of thinking, something I have put off dealing with as no longer serving me. But changing it just wasn't a priority. That is, until this wave arises and I realize that not only is it not wholesome or productive, but it is becoming more and more detrimental. Some of these waves have arisen and highlighted financial issues which are making it more and more apparent that the historical way of doing business is not the future way of creating healthy wealth for people, not even unhealthy wealth for a few! Some issues are weather related - Global Warming is upon us. Now what? And most importantly, there are the personal issues - those thoughts that creep up and are quickly dismissed, before we even allow ourselves to think the thought fully. Whatever issues we each need to understand, reflect issues that we are seeing in the larger world of weather and finances and wars. I can't personally tell a mortgage company to let people keep their houses. I can however watch my own dreams, my own finances, and my own ability to share compassionately with others, and know that as my heart opens in compassion, another's heart may respond, and also open in compassion. Please join me for a journey into compassion; holding our world, our finances, our planet, and even our corporations, in a space of compassionate light. (see www.healingchants.com to learn how to participate, or download from iTunes or listen by phone at a later date)
CD update! SONGS
of SPIRIT almost here! SONGS of SPIRIT &endash; Live Sound Healings - will be back from the factory August 20th. It will be mailed out immediately to all those who have ordered it. The special pre-release price of $15 will be available until August 15 online HERE or mail a check to Healing Chants for $15 plus $1.50 postage/handling to Healing Chants, PO Box 971020, MI 48197. To listen for yourself or read more about this CD, see www.healingchants.com/recordings_sos.html
Tuesday, August 28 at
8pm - 9pm Eastern Time (US, New York City Time) Conference Dial-in
Number: (641) 715-3200 For complete information please see ITINERARY at www.healingchants.com ________________________________________
Aug 1 - Sept 13
are available in person in SE Michigan, by phone to other
locations ______________________________________________________________
- General Information -- Each and every workshop is a bit different, so please tune into which dates and location you are being called to participate in. Sound Shamanism is drawing out of someone their own balance, rather than giving to them our energy, or even energy of the earth or cosmos. Each of us has the ability to come into greater balance, according to our soul, our body, and our journey for this lifetime. We will create together a time of exploration into Grounding, Nature and Earth energies that support our bodies, and gather Wisdoms from Ascended Masters including Archangel Michael, Mary, with some toning and creation of Healing Music. This time is participatory, and limited in size.
Fri-Sun, DECEMBER 7-9 Orlando, Florida There is a very clear and clean energy associated with this weekend. A new wave of energy comes upon us at the close of November. I wonder what this new cycle will bring? Come and let's find out together, how far we can go when there is no hindrance. LIMIT 14 CONTACT: Janet.Courtney@lowndes-law.com
Richmond, VA possible Fall 07 intensive. Please RSVP to Myra if interested mllovvorn@aol.com ______________________________________________________
NEW CD - Songs from Spirit SPAIN A concert and workshop fall 07 BALTIMORE / DC AREA A concert and workshop Feb 08
For additional information on each event that I am doing, please seemy itinerary at http://www.healingchants.com/itinerary2.html ******************************************************** If you would like to receive this monthly email directly please reply to newsletter@healingchants.com. Likewise, if you'd prefer not to receive this newsletter let us know that too. Norma Gentile, Healing
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