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PRINT July 2010 email Newsletter Healing with Gratitude those Ancient Energies now Departing Insights from Nature, Gaia, Mary and Thoth version espanol Dear Friends, This essay is derived from the information received during the most recent phone meditation. It includes a direct channeling from Thoth (at the end). This entire recording, including the actual healing meditations, channeling and additional information is now available to listen to as a CD or mp3. I've included in it a special sound healing, Aguas Sagradas (Sacred Waters, also available here) recorded with cellist and Grammy-winner David Darling. NEW EVENTS Mon July 26
Free Phone Meditation 7pm EDT Meditation
CD #23
2010 Ancient
Energies Arise Through
a series of meditations and insights,
Thoth and others point out to humanity a
doorway through which an ancient
consciousness of the First Creative Cycle,
long asleep within the Earth as oil, might
now pass onto its own healing journey. As
this happens, humanity's relationship with
oil and other "inanimate" beings changes.
This is our next step. Here are some ideas
how we might begin it. Moving
into a new relationship with all of the
consciousnesses with whom we share our
planet means letting go of our belief that
anyone of us knows how another should act,
should be, or even should heal. Moving into a new relationship with all of the consciousnesses with whom we share our planet means letting go of our belief that anyone of us knows how another should act, should be, or even should heal.
Healing with Gratitude (insights from Mary) It very difficult to give away or force upon someone the energy of Gratitude. The true sensation of Gratitude brings you to rest. It brings you into your body, and so into the center of your world. Having Gratitude for
something or someone requires that you first be in
relationship to yourself. When we are more deeply in
relationship to ourselves we are much less apt to try to
extinguish what we perceive as external fires with our own
personal energies. We see the larger picture provided by Spirit only when we cease focusing solely on the problem.
Using Unconditional Love in Healing My own sense, and perhaps this is because I have always been sensitive to subtle energies, is that the easiest way to get me to not do something is for someone to send me a lot of intention that I should do that exact something. And if that energetic intention arrives with energetic instructions of how I ought to be doing this something, I am even less likely to consider it as an option in my life. And I suspect that I am not the only one who prefers to make their own decisions! When I am on the receiving end of well-intentioned prayers or "love and light" I notice a constant motion of energies in my aura. It is like little bits of waves pushing in and out of the space around me. I find it distracting, sometimes to the point of feeling a bit unbalanced or dizzy. Other times it feels like a heaviness or weight within some part of my physical body. As soon as I ask it "Are you in tune with me?" it departs, and my body feels lighter. It is not that people don't have good intentions when they send me such energies. But their intentions are not in tune with my own physical body and/or my soul's journey at this moment. From my own experience I have found that sending "love and light" usually creates more chaos, not less, in the situation to which it is being sent. In looking at why this is, I realized a very simple fact. Our concept, as humans, of "love and light" or even of "unconditional love" is always limited by our experience. We may have glorious, ecstatic experiences today of unconditional love. And by tomorrow we may have the ability to experience a whole new level of ecstatic and glorious unconditional love! How silly we are, to assume that what we experience today as unconditional love won't deepen and change by tomorrow. Or to assume that what we are able to experience as unconditional love now is the same frequency or quality that someone else needs to experience now. After you have had an exceptionally good meal, do you assume that you won't have another good meal for the rest of your life? Of course not. We are always looking forward to another great meal, just as we are always looking for a deeper experience of unconditional love. And with each spiritual experience we grow, and are more apt to catch ourselves in the ways that we place limitations upon unconditional love. If we have a wonderful meal of some particular cuisine, we would never assume that we will only have a similarly delicious meal again of that same cuisine. In this same fashion we assume that an experience of "love and light" or unconditional love must have certain parameters such as a sacred place, incense, chant, a certain teacher, etc. Or that the energy of unconditional love must appear to us all psychically to have a certain color or quality. We forget that it is we who are opening into the already existing pool of unconditional love. The tools that get us to this point are varied. The experience of unconditional love is varied because we ourselves are in various states of consciousness. I do most of my individual healing sessions over the phone. Part of what I believe makes the process work well long-distance is that I invoke the energies of Nature and Archangel Michael before beginning the session. When I ask the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences to step forward and create sacred space, I ask those that vibrate at what they themselves consider to be their level of unconditional love to form a sphere around the room the client is in. I do this for two reasons: 1. Rooms are
used for many purposes. And the Nature Spirits and
Nature Intelligences exist to reflect all of the
uses of a room. Some of them vibrate at the level
that supports us when we are watching TV, fixing a
meal, reading, sleeping, studying or having a
conversation with friends. They give us all these
levels of support. 2. In
meditation and healing rooms the Nature Spirits and
Nature have been told by humans what unconditional
love should feel and look like. And they have
therefore copied our limited beliefs. For these reasons I call those Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences of a room that vibrate at what they themselves define as their level of unconditional love to support a healing process. In this way I am asking them to go beyond my limited experience of unconditional love and define it for themselves. I am not limiting their expression of unconditional love by what I believe it should be. I mean to empower them, much like a good parent, mentor or teacher empowers a student to use their own judgment and see within a situation how they can bring their very best to that situation. In this same way, meditations and prayers by humans can invoke the consciousnesses at play within the Gulf of Mexico, or any location, and invite them to step forward. We can empower them each to act at their level of unconditional love and bring what each is able to see and know forward to humanity. Our prayers can help to build telepathic bridges between the consciousnesses of oil, water, animals, machines, and all those humans involved in any situation that is unfolding. The larger picture is being revealed to us. We are moving into knowing that as we engage into the world, our quality of engagement moves out to the other consciousnesses in the world, and that same quality is reflected by them back to us..
Portals of Consciousness (information and insights shared with me from the combined energies of Nature, Gaia and others) As we move into, through and beyond the year 2012, we will be challenged with various world-wide issues. Each issue helps us (humanity) to adjust our course, so that we can pass successfully into a new level of consciousness. Each of these new levels of consciousness seems to be proceeded by a smaller and smaller portal through which we must pass. In order to fit through each portal, we must let go of another set of physical things, as well as beliefs and habits. We cannot carry them through the new portal into the next level of spiritual awareness. And at some point we recognize that they no longer serve us. In the First Cycle of Creation upon the Earth, the beings who stood as humans do now were unable to pass through the many portals into new levels of consciousness. At the conclusion of their cycle there was a massive implosion which tore apart the Earth herself. Many of the beings involved in that First Creative Cycle left the planet and stepped out of this reality. They found that creating within a Free Will Zone, outside of the connection with God, was far more difficult than they had ever imagined. The Free Will Zone was an accumulation of a very strong urge on the part of Spirit to create something new. To create a zone, apart from Spirit (where everything was ordered) to see what could happen if the individual aspects of God could create on their own. And to explore what was possible when creation could happen in conflict as well as in harmony. The resultant of the First Creative Cycle was an implosion and disaster. From that came a series of consciousnesses who were not able to leave the Earth or move into the Second Cycle of Creation. These consciousnesses slept. They became, within our Third Cycle of Creation, many of the elements that we find deep within the Earth. (for a more see June 2010 Newsletter) Hence, oil, and the consciousness within oil, belongs to the First Creative Cycle. It is rather ironic that in the Third Creative Cycle we have tapped into the physical form that a consciousness from the First Creative Cycle created. It is our use of the form of this ancient consciousness that is now causing us in the Third Creative Cycle deep distress. The inability of those consciousnesses of the First Cycle of Creation to complete their journey has now come to our awareness, here in the Third Cycle of Creation. It is not our task to heal or fix or somehow make oil and the consciousness within it fit into our Third Cycle of Creation. Rather, we can allow the consciousness that is within the physical form of oil to exit the planet. This consciousness, from the First Creative Cycle, can then continue on its own journey, apart from our journey in the Third Creative Cycle. This is apt to change the molecular structure of oil, and another consciousness will then step into physical oil. This new consciousness will be a part of the Third Creative Cycle and will reflect our consciousnesses within this cycle. When this happens humanity will recognize this new consciousness as being in relationship to humans. Ideally we move away from treating oil as being an impersonal 'it' to a more balanced relationship of responsibility and respect towards what is a parallel consciousness, evolving along with our own consciousness.
Ancient Energies Departing Many years ago I began to see energies related to the fall of Atlantis moving out of the kundalini channels within our human bodies. Then, about two years ago, the energies seemed to be gone. But in the past few months a very similar energy has been releasing from within the human body. My sense is that as with the earlier energy, it is actually a group of conscious beings that were trapped within our reality in the Third Creative Cycle, but who do not belong here. As the planet and humanity have already stepped through many portals and risen in consciousness, it is now possible and necessary for those beings from the First and Second Creative Cycle to leave our reality. These are consciousnesses that are not related to our Third Creative Cycle. As they are leaving, oftentimes they appear dark or black to us when we see them at a psychic level. This simply reminds us that they are not harmonious to our human bodies. Our role is to empower them to find their way onto their next step. We do this not by trying to change them or make them move in a certain way or to a particular place. We only need to ask them if they indeed belong to this time period, or to this place. In asking them a question, we empower them to move onto wherever it is that they need to go to now. And this movement is far beyond what our limited human mind can comprehend. Only these consciousnesses know where they need to go, and how to get themselves there.
The Consciousness of Water I love to swim, particularly in open natural lakes. I believe that each lake has a unique consciousness or Deva. But living in Michigan, there are many winter months where the lakes are frozen over. So I also swim in various indoor lap pools. When I am in these pools, I have learned to feel beyond the chemicals and find the consciousness within the water. The first time I did this the consciousness within water reminded me that it was present both in the swimming pool and in the lake. It was merely my own perception that made the experience of swimming in the lake more spiritual than swimming in a pool. The consciousness of water was present and glad to communicate with me in either location. In this same fashion the consciousness of water exists not just within what is external to us, such as the lakes and swimming pools. The consciousness of water exists within our own bodies, the leaves of plants and trees, the bodies of animals and even within the clouds and the very air we breath. The consciousness of water exudes itself into the atmosphere that surrounds the planet. This water consciousness pervades all of our physicality. I wonder what the consciousness within Water wants to do now? What is the next step of its growth? Is there a way that this consciousness can help to escort other consciousnesses out of our planet? What if the First Cycle of Creation were not based as much upon water as our Third Cycle of Creation is? What if the First Cycle of Creation used elements that might seem foreign to us in this cycle? Perhaps using consciousnesses within elements that we would see as being "it", such as magma, oil or rocks. What if, within the context of the First Creation Cycle, these consciousnesses were as we are today, vibrant and interactive? We as humans in the Third Creative Cycle can empower these consciousnesses onto their next step outside of our reality. And in so doing, we can invite their wisdom to be available to us to solve the current dilemma of fossil fuel use as well as the Gulf Oil situation. We do this when we allow ourselves to feel the consciousness of oil, vibrating at its own level of unconditional love. All consciousness can be honored. Within each being, seemingly animate or inanimate, there is a vibrant and active consciousness. Humanity can and will learn to listen to and commune with the consciousnesses with whom we share the planet. As we listen to each consciousness, we ourselves become more able to know what to do and when to do it.
Healing between the Macrocosm and Microcosms We each are connected to the outer world through the issues in our physical body and in our lives. There is a macrocosm external to us that has both balances and imbalances which are reflected within the physical, emotional and mental microcosm which we define as ourselves. As each of us continues to change, we give that gift of change to the macrocosm of our external world. As the consciousness within oil departs from the planet, whatever is within us related to that consciousness will also depart. And as the new consciousness enters into oil (and other elements) some new aspect of ourselves will enter into the microcosm of ourselves. How we relate to the physical form of oil (and other elements) changes as well. As we become aware of the internal microcosmic changes in our lives, we are more apt to build a connection with the related external macrocosm elements which reflect a co-creative stance. This moves our relationship with oil from one of using it to one of honoring it. This is not to say we won't still be utilizing oil as a fuel source, but there may be a way of working with the new consciousness within oil by 2015 that we cannot conceive of now. The consciousness now present within oil comes from the First Creative Cycle. This makes its vibration one that is not at all coherent to our psychic abilities. Because the new consciousness that steps into oil is a legitimate partner of our Third Creative Cycle, it will be much easier for humans to hear and understand the psychic promptings of this new consciousness as a peer who is offering co-creative ideas to us.
from Thoth It is at this
point in the cycle of Creation of Humanity that
your pinion (the portion of a bird's feathers that
directs it, much like the rudder of a ship), your
directional guidance is most crucial. Just as the
tiny movement of a feather can bring a bird into a
strong motion in either direction, right or left,
so too your own emotional upset or upheaval can
cause ripples unintentionally to move out into your
world. This is never
to be understood as saying not to have an emotion,
for the expression of emotion is truly what makes
humanity human! But rather to become aware that
your reactions to things are often merely a
reaction to the perception of the thing, rather
than to the thing itself. Even people
and situations are clarifying themselves of past
patterns in such a fashion that who you think
someone is from a behavior of yesterday may not be
who they truly are by tomorrow. As you allow
yourself to see with new eyes each person around
you, and each situation each day anew, what is
different? As you allow yourself to feel that
difference each day you validate to the other
person or into the situation "Good work! You
shifted, you have changed, you learned something
and I see that you are different." Likewise you
can receive from others that same validation.
Notice when someone else does not bring what
happened yesterday or the day before forward to you
yet again, but meets you with fresh expectations
and new eyes, for that will draw out of you a new
behavior. As you meet each other again anew, it
allows all those other elements in the cycle of
Creation much more freedom of motion, in all that
they do. As the land
and the Nature Spirits are able to have more
freedom, they are able to better assist the
consciousness of these energies from the First
Creative Cycle to move from the Earth up into
Heaven. As this process speeds up it facilitates
the ease of transition of your world into its next
step and its next form. Do not hold
onto these energies for they are fleeting. There
are merely that which is not pertaining to you.
They are merely that which was. Whether it is a
"yesterday" as we might call it, or a "million
years ago", as one of you might call it, these are
merely energies that were, not energies that are.
This is indeed a moment not to hang onto the past
or try to grip onto what is leaving. It is a moment
to see with new eyes what is before you. See the
potential in the environmental situation in your
planet. Do not see the issue, see the potential. In
this way your attention draws other's attention not
to how it happened or why it happened on a physical
level, but to the interconnectedness of all
involved. In your current situation is the
potential that humanity might see all
consciousnesses as an interrelating web of life.
Now is the time that humanity might see all beings,
all form, as having equal value in this creative
cycle. When a human
beholds a rock and sees the spirit within the rock,
and communes with that rock, the human then
enlivens within themselves that same quality of
consciousness that the rock holds. And likewise the
rock benefits, feeling within itself that
consciousness of humanity. In this manner
environmental issues are resolved, as the human and
the supposedly inanimate meet together. I trust that some
portion of the ideas shared in this newsletter will be of
service to you. Do pass this onto anyone you believe would
also benefit from reading this as well. -Norma
~ ~ ~ N O R M A' S E V E N T S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(complete list here) MONDAY July 26 at
7-8pm EDT (New York City time) OTTAWA Private
Healing Sessions