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June 2006 Email
Newsletter posted June 29, 3006
Since this past weekend some lighter energies have become more apparent, and the energies that appear heavier (because they and the beliefs they lead us into are from the past) are receding. Breathing is a bit easier, here on planet earth. Perhaps you notice that there are moments in each day that are a bit easier and clearer. And yet there is still much that is emotionally unclear and chaotic. It's like the storms that have been crossing the part of the US where I live. If I look in one direction, there is brilliant sun shining, green grass, and fresh air. I turn around, and I can see massive blue-black clouds shadowing the landscape. There are several times each day when the storm is situated in half of the sky. By turning around I can see either the light of the sun or the dark of the clouds. And so we are now sitting on a similar edge of the Puja. The last week is an example of the energies we will be facing for the next 20 years. There is the chaos; the dark obscuring what we are attempting to figure out. Then there is the sun; those moments of clarity and forward motion with decision making and synchronicity where we glide forward seemingly effortlessly. When astrological cycles start and end they do so gradually. The cycle of 36,000 years in the dark side of the Puja (when our consciousness experiences itself as disconnected from Spirit / God/ All That Is) closes with the end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012. We are already feeling the effects of the new Puja, which is one of connectedness to Spirit, begin in our lives. It is folly to assume that because the Mayan calendar ends that the world will end. It simply marks the conclusion of the known Puja of 36, 000 years. As we step into the new Puja of connectedness to Spirit, the old Puja will linger, much as the storm clouds linger. We are nearing the cusp of the two Pujas, Light and Dark. We may see the sun of the new Puja on one side of our field of vision, and the past clouds of the Dark Puja as well. We choose which Puja to see and act upon much of the time from now on. That is what the past months have been about; clarifying our own vision so that we can feel and know when we are choosing to sit under the older storm clouds or when we are choosing to walk over into the sunshine. This is never to say that all the storms have passed. They haven't. But much of the time now we have a choice as to whether we approach the issues in our lives as being cloaked in clouds or bathed in sun. When we shift our awareness, the issues will shift. When we shift our awareness we will see, know and understand something new about the issue that we did not know before. This is how we are built, to respond to spirit. from Thoth and Shesat: The uplifting of the human spirit comes about by two means; both body and soul. In this time (till 2012) you have the greatest of capacities to do both. Here is your time of destiny to prove that your own creators (those who were in semblance of your forms) misjudged you initially. Here in this time frame you have the right to stand in the light of Day as you never have stood before. The human race has never been a free race during a Light or Golden Age Puja. It is the limitless and unknown possibilities of the human race standing in spiritual freedom during this time that gives both dread and hope. As many of you know, the human race is unique among conscious living races. Your inbreeding from both form and spirit makes you unique. Only you have the capability to uplift form into spirit. It is because of the inbreeding between forms (those you have many names for, those who gave you physical bodies from their own) and true Spirit. With this double connection you have been torn between following the path of the physical or the path of spirit in a way no other race has ever been torn. Your world now reflects this. And just as your planet reflects this now, your path may also reflect this in the future. We who represent the Ascended Masters from the other side, suggest strongly that you consider the words and concepts of Dark and Light. It is true that as the Puja turns you stand on the deciding point. Which one do you serve? You stand on the mountaintop, surveying all. The storm clouds gather to your left, the sun to your right. Which way do you turn? Is there a need to engage the Dark Puja of the past more than the Light Puja of the future? IN EVERY MOMENT, IN EACH BREATH, THIS IS THE QUESTION THAT DETERMINES YOUR FUTURE. Choose the sun, and there is warmth. Choose the clouds of the past, and there will be lack. Chose with care, engage as your body and soul have agreement. Your mind does not yet understand its new role. For this reason we say choose from your body and your soul. Your choice brings your physical body into qualities of consciousness that in turn bring the physical world into a new state of consciousness. What you think and what you believe radiates out as a radio signal from your physical body to the physical bodies of others. Your game is ending. We have said that before. As you approach the end of the game, your final option is whether or not to uplift the physical forms that you have inhabited as the human race into new consciousness. The very fabric and energies of your human bodies may be transformed because of living now, during the change of Puja. This need not happen, but as and if it does, we on the other side stand in wonderment and awe. The possibility of uplifting such dense matter as your physical bodies so far from spirit into the realm of spirit has not occurred before. How will this affect Spirit, to have such power uplifted to it as the human body carries? Again it is only because of your being bred from both spirit and form that makes this possible. And it is only because of the turning of the Puja that your physical bodies may arise fully into spirit. Because the change in Puja is now underway, your choices and decisions are both more obvious and more difficult. During the old Puja the connection to spirit was fouled and muffled. Your minds became your guidance, in place of spirit. The old Puja cycle of connection to mind rather than to spirit fades, yet its clouds are still covering a portion of your lives. The new Puja of independence and connection directly to Spirit opens, and the light may temporarily blind you from seeing the choices that are sparkling here in the sunshine. Choose with your heart and body over these next years. Feel you way with your own knowing, and question each and every moment and habit you have, particularly around family and friends and work. Let the new sunshine illuminate that which your spirit wishes to draw upward into the greater pool of spirit. -For Thoth and Shesat, ________________________________________________________ Friday eve - Sunday 2pm, July 7-9 Using a mix of sound, energy, and healing, you will learn methods that you can take and apply to magnify other healing modalities. These include creating energy grids around rooms, using sound to magnify healing intentions, channeling using the 55 feet around you rather than your own body, freeing the voice (opening the fifth chakra) and breath control. The group will decide the direction of some segments of the class. Chanting, meditation, Snacks and lunches are provided ((vegan, organic, primarily live food). $225 paid by July 1st, $275 thereafter. 734-330-3997 or norma@healingchants.com Space limited. Online registration now at www.healingchants.com/itinerary2.html Fri 7pm-9pm, Sat 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-2pm (includes lunch both days)
Private Sessions are available now through mid-August. Sessions are extremely effective in releasing old patterns that are ready to go, and can be done by phone (particularly good to shift emotional and mental patterns) or in person in SE Michigan.
COLUMBUS, OHIO July 22 Healing Chants: A Singshop of Tones, Mantras, and Ancient Songs of Healing Gentle Wind Bookstore 2-5pm July 23 Private Sessions ASHEVILLE Aug 14-17 ATLANTA Aug 19-20 OTTAWA
more TBA in New York, Atlanta this fall _________________________________________________________ Norma will offer Private Healing Sessions in Michigan by phone or in person when she is not on the road.. Sessions are $165, one hour, recorded for you, To book an appointment time please call 734-330-3997. Leave the times of your availability for your preferred days. ________________________________________ ******************************************************** If you would like to receive this monthly email directly please reply to newsletter@healingchants.com. Likewise, if you'd prefer not to receive this newsletter let us know that too. Norma Gentile, Healing
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