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mid - January 2006
Email Newsletter Dear Friends, Archangel Michael shared with me that 2006 is about finding out how to do what we decided we wanted to do in 2005. These next few weeks are about clearing the mass consciousness of archetypal fears that hold us back from expressing ourselves in the ways we have chosen. In order to clear the field of mass consciousness shared by all humans, there must be a way to access it more directly. This is what is happening now. For three weeks we have access to the mass unconsciousness in a way never before possible. The intensity of energies that each one feels reflects our own ability and willingness to step into the field. The more intensity, the deeper into it you are stepping. Again, this window will be with us for about three weeks. And so will the intense energies that are the resultant. And the good news? While we are feeling the intensity we can do something about what is in the field of the mass unconsciousness. Whatever issues are coming up for us now we can change now. I don't always know consciously why I put events on certain dates. My guides tend to assist me. So it is no surprise that I've arranged two concerts and a Singshop (all of Hildegard's music, with chant and Tibetan bowls and some songs from the Hathors) in Seattle and Portland for next weekend, January 27, 28, 29. (more about this below in the events listing). We will be working directly with the opportunities presented by opening into the mass unconscious. Whenever we have 'challenging energies', we always have supportive energies also. My astrologer friend, Mark Dodich (mardo@europa.com) says: "Starting on Jan 27 and lasting through September is Jupiter square Neptune, so more of this bursting illusions and releasing old beliefs in order to bring forth a higher vision, and of course, a square challenges you to do it. This is the closing square (like a last quarter moon) that was birthed in the late degrees of Capricorn back in January 1997." Hence that feeling of something at our heels, motivating us forward. As the mass unconscious becomes more accessible, we will experience a particularly dense batch of energies. Depression, slow metabolism, heaviness and similar sensations are what I'm noticing. These energies are not foreign to me, however, the quantity of them can be overwhelming. In the next three weeks we will feel ourselves as the mass consciousness of humanity. Remember, the mass consciousness is us for these next three weeks. It is as if it has stepped down from the heavens, surrounding us here on earth. Within this time frame the greater human potential can be stepped forward more than the normal amount each time we ourselves step forward. It is as if we each are the mass consciousness. Because of this it is an opportunity to ask if the emotions, body sensations or even thoughts are ours. What surfaces in each of us is an aspect of the mass consciousness. What we can heal is our own portion. It is so hard sometimes to know what is ours and what is a part of the greater linked unconscious or mass consciousness. I have found that in the moment I have an emotion, a thought or a body sensation, I ask if it is really mine. With a bit of practice, I've found that what isn't mine can be allowed to go to wherever it needs to serve now. The door is particularly wide open right now for energies causing chronic issues to depart. And what is truly mine or yours underneath becomes more bite-sized. Ask if what you are thinking or feeling is really years. Stewarding the excess energies to where they are needed occurs in the moment you understand that you are not responsible for healing them. Their cycle with you is complete. Just as a student moves to a new teacher, so too energies move on. What remains of an emotion or thought or body sensation is your portion. When you observe this portion, and understand its gift of knowledge and wisdom, then it will also release. That same knowledge and wisdom moves out through the joined field of consciousness to others, encouraging them to do the same. These next three weeks are a time of opportunity. By finding our own sacredness within, we can assist others to feel their own sacredness. My blessings to all who read this, -Norma
----------N O R M A ' S I T I N E R A R Y ------------------------------ complete listing at www.healingchants.com ______________________________ SEATTLE, WA MEDITATION CONCERT Eastern mysticism meets Hildegard's western chants as Norma's solo voice is accompanied by Tibetan Singing Bowls, overtone chant and storyteller Anne Rutherford weaving tales of Hildegard's own life into the candlelight evening. Sponsored by EastWest BooksTickets $15 __________________________ PORTLAND, OREGON Sat, Jan 28 at 8pm Eastern mysticism meets Hildegard's western chants as Norma's solo voice is accompanied by Tibetan Singing Bowls, overtone chant and storyteller Anne Rutherford weaving tales of Hildegard's own life into the candlelight evening. The Old Church, 1422 S.W. 11th Avenue at Clay Street, Portland. Tickets $15 in advance (New Renaissance Books), at the door, or online. Combination concert and SingShop ticket $50 (save $10)
Sunday, Jan 29 from
2pm-5pm Learn to sing a chant by Hildegard von Bingen and use the principles of Sound Shamanism and Vocal Healing while you sing. Taught by Norma Gentile, all experience levels accommodated. Chant will be taughtby 'call and response' method. Those who read music will learn how to read Gregorian style notation. Come experience chant as it was meant to be experienced - as a participatory healing process connecting our bodies to spirit. I'll be teaching it both by ear (call and response) as well as from the original Gregorian style notation. All singing levels can be accommodated, from those who can sing only a single note to advanced vocalists. This SingShop includes elements of Sound Shamanism such as breath, connecting with the spiritual energies of a chant, and learning how to use those energies in singing the song. The Old Church, 1422 S.W. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201 Tickets at the door or in advance $45. Purchase with a concert ticket and save $10. To buy now: www.healingchants.com/portsearttle06.html
Portland Sessions include both information and energy healing around your current issues, and can be extremely effective on chronic and deeply rooted issues. Sessions are one hour. recorded for you, and cost $165. To schedule an appointment time please call 734-330-3997 or email norma@healingchants.com.
____________________________________ Private Voice Lessons (only available for those in the workshop) Private Healings (open to all)
March 5-6 SANTA CRUZ Private Healing Sessions
March 8-12 BERKELEY / /OAKLAND The Conscious Singer Workshop Private Voice Lessons (only available for those in the workshop) Private Healings (open to all)
March 25-26 ATLANTA Sound Shamanism wkshop - Horizon Healing Private Healing Sessions
April 15-16 COLUMBUS OH Sound Shamanism wkshp - Gentle Wind Private Healing Sessions
May 10-14 Ottawa (one week intensive with Matthew Fox) sponsored by Wisdom University Private Healing Sessions in the evenings
For additional information on each event that I am doing, please seemy itinerary at http://www.healingchants.com/itinerary2.html ******************************************************** If you would like to receive this monthly email directly please reply to newsletter@healingchants.com. Likewise, if you'd prefer not to receive this newsletter let us know that too. Norma Gentile, Healing
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