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PRINT mid-December 2010 email Newsletter Re-writing our Experience of the Great Shift (Why are things so intense?) Dear Friends, Most of the wounds
that we who are incarnating into the Western culture
experience express themselves as distortions in the lower
three chakras of the body. The wounds in the our 1st chakra
are particularly evident as we move into and through the
year of 2012. This chakra has to do with the most basic
instinct of survival; fear of not existing tomorrow. These
sort of extreme fears come from wounds that our soul has
experienced in multiple lifetimes. Many of these energies
are not issues that will be resolved in this one lifetime
here in the 3rd dimension. ANN ARBOR PHONE
MEDITATION Sat, Jan 1st at 1pm EDT (New York City
time) Many people who consider themselves to have followed a spiritual path believe that they have moved beyond the 1st chakra. But they haven't. The primary issue facing those living in industrialized society is based in the 1st chakra. Survival. Will the human race survive or destroy itself in the next five, thirty or hundred years? Will we make the transition into an Aquarian Age, which honors the strength of our shared collective consciousness, or will we perish trying to escape the cycle of change by creating artificial structures that will ultimately collapse upon us? As long as what is done is best for one person but is not useful for another person, we are climbing upon the shoulders of another human as we try to escape and save ourselves. In this scenario many souls who have been incarnate in human bodies will make the transition into the Aquarian Age without their physical bodies. This has happened in earlier shifts and simply means more work for the soul upon reincarnating back into the physical (or near physical) dimension. One of my guides, Thoth, suggests that humanity will move its consciousness into a new type of physicality in the next thirty to sixty years. Those souls who incarnate will be returning to a physical reality, but it will not be of the same vibration as the one we have been exiting for several hundred years. Many people have read about or have found their own memories of the last Great Shift about 13,000 years ago. Most accounts tell of a profound upheaval and loss of life upon the Earth near the time of the Great Shift. Electro-magnetic changes within the Earth were accompanied by physical Earth changes, including the physical re-location of the North and South Poles. Within this same emotional memory is the destruction of the continent we know as Atlantis, the lose of life by most of the inhabitants of that continent, and the survivors fleeing to other lands and seeding new civilizations around the world. Is it no wonder then that as we have entered the energetic pattern of another Great Shift that our consciousness, both as individuals as well as our shared collective consciousness, is remembering the fear and tumult that accompanied the last Great Shift 13,000 years ago? Popular media attention upon the date of December 21, 2012 is bringing the current emotional energies associated with the past Great Shift into focus upon this date. Our human instinct is to grab hold and control the Earth so that she will not upend us as before! Our fear arises that those we love will perish in great chaos, and that all we know will again be gone. But that was then, and
this Great Shift is very different. Although our bodies and
our collective consciousness are experiencing the same
vibrations of change as 13,000 years ago, this Great Shift
is also a shift back into a stronger connection to Spirit.
The previous Great Shift was a movement away from the
collective voice of Spirit into a time of exploring our Free
Will. And during this time we explored our ability to
create apart from God / Spirit / All That Is quite
successfully. So often people have spoken about receiving information and insight from angels, guides or other Beings of Consciousness whom they perceive as helpers. Now we are able to be of service to all those beings who have surrounded and supported us in the past. Our experience of living apart from Spirit / God / All That Is and having Free Will to chose our own path brings a wealth of new energies and experiences back to the collective consciousness of Creation. It is like God re-examining God and finding something new. For this reason I believe that many people are experiencing both a remembrance of the fear they experienced during the last Great Shift as well as an anticipation of returning home to a celebration. These two great currents of emotion are moving through our personal lives as well as our human society. And fear is abundantly reawakening within our 1st chakras. Those who have followed my work may anticipate my suggestion for dealing with the reawakening of fear patterns within your own 1st chakra. Begin by noticing your fear and do not dismiss it. Turn and face it. Ask the fear if it is yours. Is it all yours? Is it in tune with your male or female body? Is it in current time? Is the time period that it believes to be its own time period this present moment? Allow it to move to wherever in the time line it belongs. A pattern of thoughts or emotions cannot be changed when it is out of sync with its surroundings. A pattern can only change when it is in its own time period and connected to whatever or whomever it is meant to be working with and connected to. Too often we sense patterns of deep emotion that were part of our soul's other lifetimes, and believe that we can fix, change or heal them by taking them into this life. But we cannot. The energies of the emotions we experience in each lifetime can only be changed within the context of that particular lifetime. We must therefore allow the emotional energies to return to their own time period. When we address and heal the fear or other emotion that is within our lifetime here and now that same emotion receives a healing within its own time frame. It is similar to a chain of dominos. When you remove one domino from the chain then the movement stops and all the remaining dominos cease to fall down. When you replace that one domino, the motion that was begun at one end of the chain continues. In this same fashion the changes you make within this lifetime naturally affect all the other lifetimes of your soul. You need not consciously heal energies from other lifetimes within this lifetime. You need only heal those issues that your soul is presenting to you now to address. As we move into and through this present Great Shift we need not re-experience all of the fear and grief from the last Great Shift. We need only address the fear that is naturally arising for us as humans in this time period. What portion of fear is really yours in this lifetime? What portion belongs to your body and your soul? Allow those portions that are not in tune with your body or your soul in this present moment to go to their own time frame or lifetime. In order for them to evolve, grow and healing they must be in place to receive the changes that are coming their way. Heal what is yours to heal now. That is enough. My blessings to all, -Norma Gentile This essay comes from
a live channeled phone meditation (Manifesting in the
Aquarian Age) which is now available as a free podcast or
at-cost CD. See the "Meditation CDs" page on Norma's
website or below for more information.
CD #26
October 10,
2010 Manifestation
in the Aquarian Age A
Series of Meditations from Norma and her
guides 1.
Introduction to the Chakras in the New
Aquarian Age We
will cleanse, clear and recharge each of
the chakras, including two newly emerging
chakras, your panic tube and your navel
chakra. It is your navel chakra that
supplies the basic prana for all of the
other chakras in your body. Your chakras
empower your physical body. Completing
this meditation allows you to have the
energetic potential to engage with those
energies coming into our planet in the
next few years. This
is the energetic right brain portion to a
series of written essays (fall 2010
&endash; winter 2011 newsletters,
available at the website). Part of what
the essays review is how, at this point in
time, we are being called not to blame or
point fingers externally, but to step
forward using the upper heart chakra to
know what it is that we need to do, to
have the power to do it with the navel,
and then to do it in commune with others
using our collective connections in our
5th chakras. The guides wanted to create a
meditation that places into the energy
field of those interested the potential to
do this. It is not just the mental theory
of the written essays, but rather the
energetic that now lies within
-- -- - Tues, Dec 21 at 7:30pm- - - -HEALING
this day there will be a Full Moon, Full
Lunar Eclipse, and the Winter's Solstice
leading us into the final stages of
preparation for 2012. This is an eclipse
you will feel. It is the first of a series
of eclipses that open somewhat challenging
doorways of deep emotions. These are
opportunities for our personality to
remember that it is the result of our Soul
embracing our physical body, not the
reverse! The more comfortable we are
during these eclipses the more we are apt
to be able to open the doorways leading to
previously untapped resources of our own
emotional energies. Tuesday,
December 21 at 7:30pm Candlelight
Meditation Concert with a
song from this concert: Hence
divine knowing And
Sacred Spirit Norma
Gentile, sound shaman, holds bachelor and
master degrees in music. She has recorded
four albums of healing music, twenty-six
albums of meditations and esoteric
teachings on spiritual healing, writes for
Sedona Journal, and provides monthly
articles and sound healings for Drunvalo
Melchizedek's online ezine She has been
profiled by the Toronto Star Newspaper,
Canada's nationally aired Radio One
program "Tapestry" and NPR's All
Things Considered (through Michigan Public
Radio). Listen and see her local
events at her own website: Restore your
Spirit to perfect harmony with Divine
It is beautiful. "Intimacy, Trust
and abandonment in God" She carries us to
depths and heights that the soul yearns to
explore and where Spirit and soul soar in
unison. Hildegard is proud! ~ Matthew
MEDITATION - - - - From 1/1/11 Forward Lessons
of Courage and Compassion International
Dial-in Numbers (NEW!) Austria: 0820
4000 1552 Please
note: Donations
Welcome Email: Check:
payable to Norma Gentile
As of today, I have 26 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit. I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.
~ ~ ~ N O R M A' S E V E N T S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(complete list here)
OTTAWA Private
Healing Sessions