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mid-December 2005 Email
Saturday, Dec 10th 7-9pm
___________________________________________________ I know economics are down here in the US Midwest, and folks are a bit scared. The war/terrorism scare is coming into people's physical bodies and I am seeing a rise in odd diseases based (I believe) on constant stress and living in a state of perpetuated fear. I keep seeing the three weeks from middle of January 2006 into early February as being a crucial time to flip the energy over into something else. What is this energy that we are going to change? Trust. Right now we are running the sacred energy of Trust through our minds, hearts, and bodies. It is warping into the energy of distrust. I am noticing a trend that folks are getting wounded and feeling it, their sores are showing, and yet they are saying 'no' to healing sessions. When I translated this into my own life, I identified a lack of trust in the quality of connection with others. The cycle started a few weeks ago. The deeper sense of the pattern is coming from the world stage. How can we as humans trust each other when the outer world keeps showing us distrust? Certainly there is that innate part of God/All That Is within each of us that feels and knows our unbreakable bond through Spirit. It is being called upon now to be our primary communication source with each other. Our physical bodies sense the events throughout the planet. Our subconscious connections with each other allow actions and choices by any human to ripple out into the greater pool of human thought. This in turn presents new choices to us in moments of listening. These choices can be beneficial, or not. All choices are available for us to hear. When we are surrounded by distrust, it is easier to hear choices that are tuned to that frequency. What does that look like? Fear of not having enough money is the primary manifestation. We use this as an excuse for not taking the next step. And I do say excuse because it feels that way. The reason that I'm feeling behind the excuse is fear of the unknown. Whatever illness, issue or emotional loop is going on right now is the very one that when broken out of will catapult you into a new cycle. I have had multiple yoga classes offered to me. Several classes are included with a paid gym membership; another was an offer from the heart that the instructor made to include me in an advanced class. It feels great to feel my body shifting, and feel my habits change. I know the cycle of distrust will ease. But it can also be addressed and transmuted. All the energy being breathed into the war, terrorism, and violence can be exhaled into Trust. What does that look like? Trust allows the greater picture to emerge. It allows for an understanding beyond the human mind. Trust is ultimately about the stillness within. When humans consciously choose to act without trust, that ripple goes out to our shared morphogenetic field. How much 'not trusting' energies have we all created together? Enough to manifest it into form. Not just the form of the sanctioning of torture, or the war. Not trusting has manifested vibrationally into our world and our bodies. It is reshaping the US government. There is an uptick in violence. There is an uptick in fear. Even the animals, who hold the overflow of emotional energies for us, are unable to do so without massive damage to their bodies. In these days leading up to Christmas and Hanukah, we can experience non-trust as a huge wave that overwhelms us, or as a splash of water that awakens us. By our choices as humans we send out ripples into this pond of humanity. Remembering who we are each day, several times a day, helps to calm the mind and let it know it is connected into that part of God within. When we remember this, the wave of distrust diminishes. We see it for what it is; a human-made creation. Each of us has the ability to turn off the wave machine within us. When we don't trust we make decisions based solely on the mind or on an overwhelmed heart. We can't feel our body or our emotional intelligences clearly. Do something for yourself that connects you into your heart and your body. Be quiet and grateful for whatever abundance you have in your life. The sweetness of the air here in the northern US after a snowstorm is apparent to me today. Last evening I appreciated the quiet that a thick blanket of snow brought to my city. It was easy to hear spiritual energies between the snowflakes.
From Thoth- Here is where your destiny lies; in creating and re-creating. Molding your world is not something to do because you want to play with sticks. This is a lesson about co-creation with each other, going through the central connection you share. Some might call this God or All That Is. Know that it is a central connection in your heart. Know that this connection is growing in size. Know that the time is now to enlarge it. Be still, and it will be so, for each of you is already held within the Godhead of Love.
-Thoth, Archangel Michael and the
Melchizedek. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Please feel free to share this newsletter with others. It is offered freely as a monthly email, and can be accessed and read anytime through Norma's website, www.healingchants.com. Here you can also find audio clips and articles, as well as a listing of her events and healings. To be added or removed, please hit reply or email office@healingchants.com
----------N O R M A ' S I T I N E R A R Y ------------------------------ complete listing at www.healingchants.com _____________________________________________ ANN ARBOR - MICHIGAN PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE Saturday, Dec 10th 7-9pm CANDLELIGHT GATHERING at my home Opening the Doorways of Creation We will gather by candlelight, chanting and meditating together, nourishing our inner worlds. This is a time of Sacred Gathering before the "Holiday Rush" of the world. Come, bring friends. There may be a bit of spoken channeling from Mary, Michael or others, as well as some group chants and songs with my Tibetan Bowls. I'll provide snacks, and feel free to bring a favorite nibble. $25 Suggested Donation. Space is a bit limited, but we will fit everyone in who wants to attend. Those who can, please email or call in advance so I can plan a bit. Thank you! norma@healingchants.com / 734-330-3997. Out of towners - I will be available for private healing sessions the next day. ________________________________________ Sunday, January 15 10am - 5pm (Ann Arbor, repeated in Toronto winter 2006) ENERGETICS BEHIND SINGING (and SPEAKING) WELL A Day of Healing and Song Using your own body, breath, and simple yoga, I'll show how our energy field impacts our voices. We will clear the throat area, and empower our bodies. I've shared these techniques with recording artists in early music, rock, pop and musical theatre. And they invited me back for more lesson! By request, I will do this in a group setting. Ann Arbor Location TBA $88 or $77 online now or check postmarked by Jan 10 (Healing Chants, PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, please include phone number)
_________________________________________ SEATTLE, WA Ann Arbor, MI Fri, Jan 27th at 7pm (note start
time) Eastern mysticism meets Hildegard's western chants as Norma's solo voice is accompanied by Tibetan Singing Bowls, overtone chant and storyteller Anne Rutherford weaving tales of Hildegard's own life into the candlelight evening. Sponsored by EastWest Books Tickets $15 ______________________________________ PORTLAND, OREGON Sat, Jan 28 at 8pm Eastern mysticism meets Hildegard's western chants as Norma's solo voice is accompanied by Tibetan Singing Bowls, overtone chant and storyteller Anne Rutherford weaving tales of Hildegard's own life into the candlelight evening. The Old Church, 1422 S.W. 11th Avenue at Clay Street, Portland, Oregon 97201 Tickets $15 in advance (New Renaissance Books), at the door, or online. Combination concert and SingShop ticket $50 (save $10)
Sunday, Jan 29 from 2pm-5pm Learn to sing a chant by Hildegard von Bingen and use the principles of Sound Shamanism and Vocal Healing while you sing. Taught by Norma Gentile, all experience levels accommodated. Chant will be taught by 'call and response' method. Those who read music will learn how to read Gregorian style notation. Come experience chant as it was meant to be experienced - as a participatory healing process connecting our bodies to spirit. I'll be teaching it both by ear (call and response) as well as from the original Gregorian style notation. All singing levels can be accommodated, from those who can sing only a single note to advanced vocalists. This SingShop includes elements of Sound Shamanism such as breath, connecting with the spiritual energies of a chant, and learning how to use those energies in singing the song. The Old Church, 1422 S.W. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201 Tickets at the door or in advance $45.
Purchase with a concert ticket and save $10. To buy now:
www.healingchants.com/portsearttle06.html PRIVATE HEALINGS - PORTLAND SE Mon-Wed, Jan 30 - Feb 1 Sessions include both information and
energy healing around your current issues, and can be
extremely effective on chronic and deeply rooted issues.
Sessions are one hour. recorded for you, and cost $165. To
schedule an appointment time please call 734-330-3997 or
email norma@healingchants.com. March 25 Atlanta - Sound Shamanism
wkshop April 15 Columbus Sound Shamanism
wkshp - Gentle Wind May 10-14 Ottawa (one week intensive with Matthew Fox) =-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I desire to support the expression of Divinity through each person. A listing of events, music from my CDs, and numerous articles on healing are freely offered at my website, www.healingchants.com For additional information on each event that I am doing, please seemy itinerary at http://www.healingchants.com/itinerary2.html ******************************************************** If you would like to receive this monthly email directly please reply to newsletter@healingchants.com. Likewise, if you'd prefer not to receive this newsletter let us know that too. Norma Gentile, Healing Chants |