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PRINT January 2011 email Newsletter Revealing New Aspects of Yourself (Insights from Mary, given during the Meditation on 1/1/11) Dear Friends, Below are some highlights, transcribed from the spoken portions of this meditation. To listen to the songs you can download the meditation as an mp3 (iTunes<podcasts<Norma Gentile) or from the Meditation CDs page of my website. For those still happily using CDs, you can order this and all the other past meditations as CDs from this same page. Upcoming
Events: PHONE
January - announced on Calendar
and in next Newsletter Revealing New Aspects of Yourself Songs and Meditations from Mary to help you grow into Yourself.
Where are the qualities of the Divine Feminine that are yours to bring forth? Where are those qualities of creativity, or of exuberant dance? Where in your life is there opportunity now to find the co-creative stance that you, as a human, are meant to bring forth? The Divine Feminine that is innate within you longs to arise and meet the Divine Feminine within your physical surroundings. Nature Spirits create and maintain our physical world according to our qualities of consciousness. They want nothing more than for us to resonate back to them what we embody as unconditional love. When we allow our level of unconditional love to meet the level of unconditional love known by the Nature Spirits around us, we engage more fully and deeply into the entire physical world that surrounds us. How silly we are to assume that if we could only go "up" (into higher dimensions) that we could fix our world. We forget that our 3rd dimensional world exists between the 4th and the 2nd dimensions. Any change in our 3rd dimensional world comes because there is a change in all of the dimensions, from the lower through the upper. What we might conceive of as inappropriate or difficult here in the 3rd dimension may be of our own doing, or it might be a reflection of a shift or change in another dimension. The lessening of our own judgment towards what we find uncomfortable allows us to perceive more easily if we indeed are creating what we don't like, or if we are simply experiencing what we do not like, and it is emanating from another person, situation or dimension. We feel what is happening in other dimensions because our souls exist in all dimensions. Our 3rd dimensional soul can indeed commune and communicate with those aspects of our soul in other dimensions, both above and below. We tend to forget that the lower dimensions create our body and influence our lives just as the upper dimensions do. If you can see the
Foundation you can see the rest of Creation It is as if by looking at the foundation of our reality we can then see the whole of our reality. To the extent that your consciousness feels, senses, sees or comprehends that aspect of your soul incarnating now in your body and how it already exists in the 1st dimension, then you can feel and know your soul in all of the dimensions. Oftentimes those guides, angels, or beings of consciousness that most support us during a particular portion of our life exist in the lower dimensions. Many of us were taught to go "up" into the higher dimensions when we are looking for information from our guides. But the information is awaiting us in a lower dimension from similar spiritual beings of consciousness. The vibrational quality of the lower dimensions is as nourishing to our soul, heart and body as are the upper dimensions. Within the lower dimensions is a deep stillness that lets us come to rest. I find physical healing occurs during profound communion with the lower dimensions of our soul. Who are you now and
who are you becoming? Yes, something IS
different! The physical issues, life issues, emotions and other things we experience and want to change are manifestations of habits, beliefs and assumptions that no longer serve the journey of our soul. Sometimes after a healing session you might notice new aches or pains, emotions or life issues arise. For me, this is a sign that more is ready to be released. Usually, if you can easily feel a pattern, you have already gleaned from it some or all of what you need to know about it. And all or some of it is ready to grow and change into something else. In order for it to grow it must leave us. In this way we allow God / All That Is to grow and to learn more about itself. We allow God / All That Is to experience the new patterns that we have created and manifested here upon the Earth. In order to release that which is no longer a part of us, we must learn to step back from judging that which is different from ourselves. As we cease judgment, we allow that greater creative force of Spirit more space and more possibilities of connecting into, around and through us in all dimensions. We allow our guides, angels and those beings of consciousness who work with us in all dimensions to be more audible in our lives. And yet we must say
Good-bye When we thank and feel appreciation for these beings, the connection with them changes. In this period of gratitude, we allow those beings of conscious, guides and angels that will continue to work with us to step back into their natural connection and relationship to us. This allows us to move easily out of meditation or healing mode and into our normal waking state, bringing with us the innate connections to Spirit established and strengthened during our meditation. At the same time it allows us to release those guides or angels whose task has come to completion with us, at least for the moment. While it seems ironic, it is easier to hear spiritual guidance from a few angels rather than from many. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I trust that these ideas are of service to you in your own journey. If you want to listen to the meditation recording from which this comes, (and the musical sound healings from Mary) go to the Meditation CDs page of my website for mp3 / CD versions. It is also available as a podcast on iTunes (under Norma Gentile). My best to each of you
in this New Year! Meditation
CD #27
January 1,
2011 Revealing
New Aspects of Yourself 1
As of today, I have 27 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit. I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.
~ ~ ~ N O R M A'
S E V E N T S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
list here) Private
Healing Sessions