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January 2006 Email
Newsletter Dear Friends, A noticing, a bit of information, then the promised article with words from Thoth and Shesat. Anyone else notice how a veil of energy literally lifted about 5 seconds after we entered into 2006 on the east coast? I know the calendar is only superficial - it was established by the Catholic Church, and there are many other calendars in the world that count days, lunar cycles (months) and solar years. It is our shared belief that these numbers have power over us that lifted off - and I point it out because that sort of shared belief is becoming more and more important to not simply accept as our own. The Conscious Singer (a new one-day workshop) is debuting. I have had the privilege of sharing what I have developed with a number of well-known singers this past year, and I have synthesized this down to a workshop format. I realize that there are three principle components to laying healing into the voice - whole body breathing to activate the aura, conscious connection with the healing guide within the song, and consciously inviting Nature to connect those energies in our awareness into form while we sing. I'll be offering this workshop in several cities. It is suitable for singers with some energy awareness, or energy healers with some musical ability. Jan 15 Ann Arbor I am glad to bring this to other cities. If you know of organizations that sponsor workshops please suggest this to them, and have them look at my website. For those that have been checking my events calendar you have noticed an unusual listing. This May in Ottawa, I will be co-teaching for a week with Matthew Fox. Yes, the one and only, in person. He will share his insights around Meister Eckhart and mysticism. I'll help you experience it. The intensive is sponsored by his organization, Wisdom University. You need to reserve spaces through them. I am at home for the next few weeks. If you feel a call to work with my privately, it is a good time to do so. My schedule is at the end of this newsletter, as well as on my website, www.healingchants.com I trust the New Year finds you all well, and moving forward in spirit. Now for that promised writing! Courage and Love; the greatest contagions! Starting in the middle of January, we are being given the gift of easy energy. Astrologically, planets and celestial bodies move into and out of alignment with each other, forming angles. Some angles allow energy to flow through them more easily than others. Somewhat like water moves easily around small rocks, but crashes into cement walls. During previous times of extreme planetary challenge and shift similar easy energy angles were present. I believe this easy flow allowed us to take major events such as the tsunami and hurricanes and change our own course of consciousness. Did you notice that in both events dire warnings of cholera and massive deaths from disease did not come to pass? While the events were indeed terrible, how much worse might have it been? How much farther might the tsunami wave have traveled? How many more people within the gulf coast might have succumbed to disease and thirst? I point this out because last spring I was shown that the middle of January into the middle of February marks a very challenging time in our evolution. As a planet, we are also being offered celestial alignments that allow energy to flow easily. Thoth and others say this is to cushion the blow of what is to come. And, they point to the personal use of Courage. Did you know that within the human brain there are mirror neurons? These neurons activate and cause us to mirror the behavior of those around us. Frances Moore Lappe, the author of "Diet for a Small Planet' pointed out in a recent interview that these neurons may be responsible for how we can change the dynamic in a group. In speaking about her new book, "Democracy's Edge', she says that when one person stands up against the status quo and speaks their own truth, it opens the door for others to do the same. By watching others not stand up, but succumb to the pressure of social constructs, primarily the fear of embarrassment or of being ostracized, our mirror neurons also tell us to be quiet and follow along. Likewise, when one person stands up and voice their own truth, not the accepted truth of the group, each person present is offered the stimulation in their brain by the mirror neurons. From within the brain, there is a resonance not to agreement, but to speaking courageously. I wonder what would happen in gatherings if just one or two people in a group pointed out what they were perceiving as truth? I believe that the morphogenetic field, the shared field of unconsciousness to which all humans are linked, hears each one speak their own truth. And when we each do speak up, a little or a lot, that act of courage moves out to all humans. Courage, as well as fear, can be contagious. It is our choice which quality we wish to grow!
From Thoth and Shesat: We speak primarily to the union and growth possible within relationships. Normally we speak of the union of lovers. Today we speak of the union and strong links of support you each offer each other. These links appear to us as unbendable as iron. They cannot be shaped by any but yourselves. No outer beings may change the relationships that you form with other humans. And so if the quality of those relationships needs mending, it is only you who can mend them. Why is this important? Because as you enter into these final days, it is the web of interconnection with those in form that predominates in your growth cycle. It is this web that supports you and holds you. Of course those of us not in form support you. And we do so unconditionally. These bonds with spirit-only beings, because they are unconditional, form based upon, and are limited solely by, your own beliefs and beliefs in your own shortcomings. We offer you a full range of unconditional love. You call out to us and receive but a very small portion of that love. You can change the beliefs that close down the channel of unconditional love we offer to you only by changing your relationships with others in form. Change these connections, these cords and bonds that you share with other humans, and the connections to those of us not in form strengthen tremendously. For example, when you connect with Archangel Michael, many of you consider him as a friend. This limits his energy that can reach you. Next time, ask what aspect or face of Michael can best speak to your soul and body. The light and power you experience will match that of your request and openness to receive his true being. Likewise, many know me as a warrior worker. A "nose to the grindstone' type of guide is how this channel describes my old energy. She stood far away from me for many years, not liking this quality. This is who I was. Who I am now can be known by simply opening your heart and receiving the gentlest of strokes upon your chest. Caressing your heart's own aura, my fingers lengthen into your body, letting drop away the remnants of hard work and suffering that so often are still held here as beliefs. Transcendence comes not from work, nor hardship, nor grief. Your heart holds the pulsation of living spirit within it already. This is the vibration of Creation. You need not even follow this sensation, but simply feel it. In feeling your heart being touched by love, your body becomes as love. Here is the gift that our union brings; for when Spirit touches the heart of a human, that human's heart conveys this same love out to all whom their human heart loves. And as our love for you spreads through those you love, it so moves to others that they in turn love. Not only is courage contagious, but love is also. You might say that love is the ultimate contagion, for there is neither vaccine nor cure. In this we trust; that each of you has responded to our words, and the love contained within them. Call to either of us, and we will come. Call from your heart, and welcome us to your presence in whatever manner we can best serve you. This is our service now to you. Be blessed, receiving our thanks and gratitude for reading and receiving these words and loving energies. Share this blessing with others, and know that the bonds of connection are being healed as you do so. With love and continued active blessings to all who read this and respond, Thoth and Shesat
----------N O R M A ' S I T I N E R A R Y ------------------------------ complete listing at www.healingchants.com _________________________________ now until January 23 Private Healing Sessions in person if you are in SE Michigan, by phone for other cities __________________________________________ Sunday, January 15 10am - 5pm (Ann Arbor, repeated in Toronto winter 2006, Berkeley CA March 2006) THE CONSCIOUS
SINGER Where do energy awareness, sound, breath and spirit intersect? Using your own body, breath, and simple yoga, I'll show how our energy field impacts our voices. We will clear the throat area, and empower our bodies. I've shared these techniques with recording artists in early music, rock, pop and musical theatre. And they invited me back for more lesson! By request, I will do this in a group setting. Ann Arbor Location TBA $88 or $77 online now or check postmarked by Jan 10 (Healing Chants, PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, please include phone number) ______________________________ SEATTLE, WA MEDITATION CONCERT Eastern mysticism meets Hildegard's western chants as Norma's solo voice is accompanied by Tibetan Singing Bowls, overtone chant and storyteller Anne Rutherford weaving tales of Hildegard's own life into the candlelight evening. Sponsored by EastWest BooksTickets $15 __________________________ PORTLAND, OREGON Sat, Jan 28 at 8pm Eastern mysticism meets Hildegard's western chants as Norma's solo voice is accompanied by Tibetan Singing Bowls, overtone chant and storyteller Anne Rutherford weaving tales of Hildegard's own life into the candlelight evening. The Old Church, 1422 S.W. 11th Avenue at Clay Street, Portland. Tickets $15 in advance (New Renaissance Books), at the door, or online. Combination concert and SingShop ticket $50 (save $10)
Sunday, Jan 29 from
2pm-5pm Learn to sing a chant by Hildegard von Bingen and use the principles of Sound Shamanism and Vocal Healing while you sing. Taught by Norma Gentile, all experience levels accommodated. Chant will be taughtby 'call and response' method. Those who read music will learn how to read Gregorian style notation. Come experience chant as it was meant to be experienced - as a participatory healing process connecting our bodies to spirit. I'll be teaching it both by ear (call and response) as well as from the original Gregorian style notation. All singing levels can be accommodated, from those who can sing only a single note to advanced vocalists. This SingShop includes elements of Sound Shamanism such as breath, connecting with the spiritual energies of a chant, and learning how to use those energies in singing the song. The Old Church, 1422 S.W. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201 Tickets at the door or in advance $45. Purchase with a concert ticket and save $10. To buy now: www.healingchants.com/portsearttle06.html
Portland Sessions include both information and energy healing around your current issues, and can be extremely effective on chronic and deeply rooted issues. Sessions are one hour. recorded for you, and cost $165. To schedule an appointment time please call 734-330-3997 or email norma@healingchants.com.
____________________________________ Private Voice Lessons (only available for those in the workshop) Private Healings (open to all)
March 5-6 SANTA CRUZ Private Healing Sessions
March 8-12 BERKELEY / /OAKLAND The Conscious Singer Workshop Private Voice Lessons (only available for those in the workshop) Private Healings (open to all)
March 25-26 ATLANTA Sound Shamanism wkshop - Horizon Healing Private Healing Sessions
April 15-16 COLUMBUS OH Sound Shamanism wkshp - Gentle Wind Private Healing Sessions
May 10-14 Ottawa (one week intensive with Matthew Fox) sponsored by Wisdom University Private Healing Sessions in the evenings
For additional information on each event that I am doing, please seemy itinerary at http://www.healingchants.com/itinerary2.html ******************************************************** If you would like to receive this monthly email directly please reply to newsletter@healingchants.com. Likewise, if you'd prefer not to receive this newsletter let us know that too. Norma Gentile, Healing
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