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Original Latin Text

texts from the chants of
Hildegard von Bingen

O quam mirabilis

O quam mirabilis est prescientia divini pectoris,
que prescivit omnem creaturam.

Nam cum Deus inspexit faciem hominis,
quem formavit,
omnia opera sua in eadem forma
hominis integra aspexit.

O quam mirabilis est inspiratio,
que hominem sic suscitavit.


English Translation

texts from the chants of
Hildegard von Bingen

O what a miracle


O what a miracle is the presence of the divine heart
which foretold all creation.

With God's gaze upon the face of man,
whom He formed,
He saw His entire works,
reflected in that same human form.

O what a miracle is this inspiration
by which humanity was awakened.